If you would like to learn more about the Syrian crisis or support humanitarian efforts in the region, here are some organizations that may be of interest. This listing is not a comprehensive summary of organizations providing life-saving support, nor is inclusion on this list a political endorsement; these are just a few of the groups brought to our attention during the course of production.
- Syrian Emergency Task Force: www.syriantaskforce.org
- Coalition for a Democratic Syria: www.unitedfreesyria.org
- Planet Syria: www.planetsyria.org
- The White Helmets: www.whitehelmets.org
- Syria Relief & Development: www.syriareliefanddevelopment.org
- Crisis Action: www.crisisaction.org/Syria
- Amnesty International – USA: www.amnestyusa.org
- Syrian American Medical Society Foundation: www.sams-usa.net/foundation
- Free-Syria Foundation: www.free-syria-foundation.org
- The Syria Campaign: www.thesyriacampaign.org
- Save the Children: www.savethechildren.org/Syria
- Oxfam International: www.oxfam.org/emergencies/crisis-syria
- Mercy Corps: www.mercycorps.org/syria
- Relief International: www.ri.org
- The Institute for Inclusive Security: www.inclusivesecurity.org/conflict-region/syria
- Jusoor – Syrians Forward Together: www.facebook.com/jusoor.syria/info
- Syria Deeply: http://www.syriadeeply.org/